Established in 2002, the Narotam Sekhsaria Foundation (NSF) has dedicated themselves to aid the careers of young pioneers through a unique scholarship and mentoring programme.
Gone are the days where consumer behaviour was as cryptic as your astrology chart; these tools have revolutionised research allowing businesses to adapt to an ever evolving market and an informed consumer.
So how do you, as a business, stand out on social media? Apart from regular posts, engaging content and a consistent aesthetic, we believe a great way to engage with your audience is through Instagram’s GIPHY Stickers!
We give you an exclusive sneak-peek into the inner workings of your pet’s brain, and how they really feel about being holed up with their human.
COVID-19 created a series of challenges, and we took on the task of; rebuilding trust in the brand, reinstating the heritage and connecting with the audience.
At Plane Crazy, we believe that there’s something to be learned from everyone, and life is basically a series of lessons learnt from the people you’re lucky enough to stumble upon.
The times of quarantine or 'quarantimes', if you will, mean that your usual means of entertainment are probably off the menu. At some point, even the most introverted of us have gone stir crazy for a bit.
Music is our quick fix mood booster, because honestly there’s only so much meditating and painting one person can do in a week.